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From the Desk of Medical and Clinical Team Members

Our medical and clinical teams who have set the standard for excellence these past few years will be our voice for all this science, medicine and research, globally.  Read below, quotes directly from our Executive Medical Team members regarding their role, experience and position on Nu-Life and Nu-V3.


Kamran Chaudhary, MD

It has been just over 10 years since I was introduced to Jim Robertson and his technology.  I was seeking an alternate form of therapy for my patients suffering from various forms of arthritis, including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and non-arthritic conditions such as Fibromyalgia as all these conditions share several, if not all, of those symptoms in a given patient. I was seeking an option that was more cost-effective with less side effects and that could address the patient holistically and give them a better quality of life.  At that time, I just didn’t know how much better. Since then, I have been blown away from what I have seen from Nu-Life and Nu-V3 I have personally witnessed the evolution of this company from concept to reality and have seen the benefits of Nu-V3.  Research shines a light on the problem but provides no answer. I have seen the answer in Nu-V3 and I am thrilled about the strategic partners we are aligning with to bring the Nu-V3 device to the market!


James Houston, MD, CDR, MC, USN (RET)

After serving for 25 years in the US Navy, most of which as an Anesthesiologist specializing in Pain Medicine, I have seen first hand the suffering our injured veterans contend with on a daily basis.  Chronic pain, traumatic brain injury, PTSD, and other war related injuries are severe and difficult to treat.  Current modalities of opioid medications and surgery have not proven effective, and often have consequences worse than the original injury.  These veterans frequently suffer from the symptoms of pain, anxiety, depression, and sleeplessness.  While other treatments and devices have been tried, none are as small, lightweight, easy to use, and target multiple cranial nerves in order to improve symptoms as Nu-V3.  With the opioid epidemic especially severe among the veteran population, the Nu-V3 has the potential to dramatically improve the care of our veterans in a safe, effective, and cost-effective basis.

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Brad Doebbeling, MD, MSc, FACP, FIDSA, FNAP

Having practiced General Medicine and Infectious Diseases for over 20 years in the Department of Veterans Affairs, I regularly cared for veterans from all walks of life.  We found an increased prevalence of many difficult to treat symptoms like chronic pain, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression and other neurological problems like cognitive problems. I joined the Nu-life Executive Medical Team about three years ago, because I saw a device that could relieve these problems without medication or its side effects.  I found a team of people committed to a mission of doing the best for patients, regardless of the personal cost of participation to get this device to patients.  I am thrilled to be part of this team, because of its commitment to excellence.  Based on the impacts I have witnessed with my own eyes, I can’t wait until this device is made available.  I think it will dramatically change patients’ lives and the practice of medicine globally.


Atif Zafar, MD

When I first heard of Nu-V3 I was a skeptic. Very soon thereafter I became an evangelist. Having practiced medicine for 25 years, and being dogmatic about how the pill was a panacea for the ailments of humankind I never suspected that a device so small with so little energy could do so much so dramatically for so many! It is indeed magic, but magic that is deeply rooted in the very physiology that drives the human experience and one that restores the natural balance of the order of things inside. It is a revolution in medicine, one that will free the body from the clutches of a pill-popping culture.  So I march forth with renewed excitement for a time when a prescription pad is no longer the instrument of action but that education, encouragement, and an autonomous wearable device can replace the artificial chemicals with draconian side effects to achieve a common cure.


Wesley B. Wong, MD, MMM


I am honored to become a member of the Nu-Life Solutions team as we continue to bring to fruition our vision of serving others and improving lives.  As a Neurologist and Pain Management physician, it is a privilege to join such a dedicated team focused on the development of a neuromodulation device and program which alleviates pain, anxiety, depression and sleeplessness. I greatly look forward to the work ahead of us as we accelerate the great accomplishments already achieved by enhancing our clinical protocols, developing our strategic partnerships and bringing our device to the global market.

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John Rosa, DC, FACC Ficc

During my research in the neuroscience of pain and addiction it became evident that the body’s influence from trauma, diet, social stressors and lack of sleep contribute greatly to not only cause of pain but the intensity and perception of it. These influencers cause systemic inflammation which is the driving force of most negative health outcomes. This also leads to a heightened but not beneficial neurological state. With that being said I was introduced to the Nu-V3 technology and am amazed at not only its capabilities but also how perfectly it aligns with my personal mission. Most pain and addiction is caused or amplified by anxiety, depression and sleeplessness and these are also the key symptoms of withdrawal from addictive drugs. I can’t wait to see the lives changed by this cutting-edge technology and proud to be part of this incredible team. 


Brian Barber, MD

I am happy for the privilege of working with Nu-Life and directing the H.O.P.E. Initiative for the greater Indianapolis area as well as the State of Indiana. As an Air Force physician and now a VA doctor, I have seen firsthand what war does to men and women.  I see the casualties every day. I am inspired at the courage of our heroes and their struggles with chronic pain and depression. Throwing more and more pills at the problem has only created a crisis that has reached epic proportions. Creating a drugless treatment for chronic pain, sleeplessness and depression is a Godsend for our combat veterans and those first responders and healthcare workers who put their lives on the line for us everyday. 

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